Wednesday 10 December 2008

Opinion: Haribo "brat child" TV ad undermines parental authority

The recent Haribo Television advert begins with a father sitting in a room where he is being interrogated by his family for allegedly indulging in the Haribo Starmix. What could of passed as humour quickly deteriorates into a blatant undermining of parental authority when what is presumably the fathers younger daughter who is refered to as "detective Mills" is summoned into the room to make him sign a confession. The young girl appears, hands on her hips yelling "alright sunshine, sign the confession!" as she proceeds to bang her hands on the table, shouting "look into my eyes". It is barely seconds after the father wimpishly gives in to her demands.

What sorts of messages does the Haribo advert give out to children? In my opinion it clearly sends out the message that if children shout and they bang, the parents will submit to their demands. This is hardly a sensible idea.

Watch the Haribo advert here -